Shitholes around the world

Donald the Trump has yet again opened his cakehole and gifted us – and especially lexicographers – with another citable instance of vulgarity. Naturally, his ass-mouth made headlines around the world when he said “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” And naturally, this shit has to be reported on in other languages. So what do you do when you’re writing in another language and trying to translate shithole countries effectively?

The problem that journalists in other languages face, on top of how to deal with vulgarity, is that this use of shithole is non-literal. The word shithole (originally and still sometimes shit-hole) has been with us since the 1600s to refer to the hole shit comes out of (that’s your anus, Pluto), but only since the 1930s to refer to a godforsaken hole-in-the-ground, an undesirable place. Why is a place a hole? We’ve been using hole-in-the-wall since the early 1800s to refer to insignificant and low-grade stores and similar locations, and hole-in-the-ground since around the same time to refer to an outhouse (you know, an outdoor toilet without plumbing). I haven’t found proof of influence from those to the use of shithole to refer to an exceptionally undesirable and insignificant place, but taken holus bolus they at least establish hole as potentially referring to a place, not just an actual aperture.

Some who have undertaken explications of shithole for speakers of other languages have focused on the ‘outhouse’ sense, as for instance this rundown from the national broadcaster of Canada: “Terme très vulgaire, « shithole » se réfère aux latrines extérieures pour designer un endroit particulièrement repoussant” (‘A very vulgar term, shithole refers to outdoor toilets to designate a particularly repulsive place’ – a bit of an excessive focus on the shit, from my view as someone who’s used the term since childhood). Others… well, let’s dive in. So to speak.

Vera Bergengruen alerted Strong Languagers that in Norway, cited by Trump as a more desirable source of immigrants, the translation preferred by the two major newspapers is drittland, which means ‘shit country’. A little looking around the rest of Scandinavia finds Sweden’s Aftonbladet using “shithole countries” in the headline and translating that as skitländer, which again means ‘shit countries’. In Denmark, DR and Ekstra Bladet render it as lortehul (plural lortehuller), ‘shitty hole’, while BT makes it lorteland, ‘shitty country’. In Iceland, Morgunblaðið uses skítalönd, ‘shitty countries’. The words used are perhaps not as shocking in their languages as shit is in English, but they have the same tone. But they mostly skip the whole ‘hole’ part.

Meanwhile, in Finland, where they speak a completely unrelated language but are still part of the Scandinavian sphere, Helsingin Sanomat gives it to Finns as persläpimaat, which means ‘asshole countries’ (if you click the link you’ll see persläpimaista – that’s an inflected form meaning ‘from asshole countries’; if you want to know what part of all that means ‘asshole’, it’s persläpi – from perse ‘ass’ + läpi ‘hole’).

How about the countries maligned by Trump – El Salvador, Haiti, and countries in Africa? In El Salvador, La Prensa Gráfica renders it as agujeros de mierda, ‘holes of shit’ (or ‘shit holes’), but in the headline made it agujeros de mier…, which is like putting shi…holes. I’m sure their consideration for the delicate eyes of their readers was appreciated; they could all pretend he said Wednesday holes (agujeros de miércoles) and imagine the accent on the e. (There’s really no other Spanish word that mier… could stand for.) Elsewhere, the Spanish-speaking world is divided: Spain, El Mundo renders it that same way, while El País makes it países de mierda, ‘countries of shit’ or ‘shit countries’. Mexico’s La Jornada goes with países, but Argentina’s Clarín goes with agujeros. None of them bother with ellipses on mierda, though.

In Haiti, if you look in Le Nouvelliste, you will find it rendered as trou de merde, which is literal. But the French word trou is a more all-purpose word than Spanish agujero; it can also mean ‘pit’, ‘grave’, ‘mouth’, and – yes – ‘insignificant town’. (As it happens, though, trou de merde can be found in French literature – all the way back in Rabelais – meaning ‘asshole’.) Nonetheless, the hole is empty in other parts of the French-speaking world: Le Monde and Le Figaro make it pays de merde, ‘shit countries’ or ‘countries of shit’, and so do Quebec’s Le Devoir and Le Journal de Montréal.

But how about Africa? Well, there are rather a lot (hundreds) of languages in Africa, and I’m not even conversant in most of them, alas. Some African countries speak French (Journal du Cameroun and Benin’s La Nouvelle Tribune translate Trump’s epithet as pays de merde); many have their greatest online media presence in English, which obviates the translation issue but isn’t much fun for us here now. Interestingly, news sites in Swahili, Amharic, and Zulu that I looked at didn’t seem to have coverage of the story – or much of any interest in Donald Trump, which seems a healthy and very non-shitty attitude. I checked out a few news sites in Afrikaans, which (as you may know) is a Dutch-based creolized language of South Africa and might present a different perspective, and of the two that had a story I could find on it, one quoted shit hole in English and the other had a paywall.

One plus of newspapers that aren’t in English is that they’re not always so embarrassed to quote English vulgarities. We saw this above with Aftonbladet; in the Netherlands, De Volkskrant screams, “VS, VN, Afrika, Cariben, Midden-Amerika: iedereen is boos op Trump om zijn uitspraken over ‘shitholes’.” (‘US, UN, Africa, Caribbean, Central America: everyone is mad at Trump for his remarks about “shitholes”’.) In the body of the article, they translate it as achterlijke landen, which is insulting but not vulgar: achterlijk means ‘backwards, benighted, retarded’. (Another paper in the same language, Belgium’s Het Nieuwsblad, treats us to klotenlanden, which refers to testicles and might be translated as ‘screwed-up countries’.)

Newspapers in Portugal also quote the English word freely but are more varied in translation. CM explains it as “retrete de m*, numa tradução mais benevolente” (‘toilet of s*, in the most gracious translation’); Público glosses it more frankly as “qualquer coisa entre ‘latrinas’ e ‘merdosos’” (‘something between “latrines” and “shitty”’).

German news has hewed towards the idiomatic but less vulgar. As SistaRay tweeted to Strong Language, they give us Drecksloch-Länder or Dreckslöcher, ‘garbage dump countries’, using Dreck ‘dirt’ in place of, say, Scheisse ‘shit’, which is idiomatic but, as SistaRay says, “this means it’s a little unclear why the language is so bad.”

Italy’s Corriere della Sera joins the ‘countries of shit’ club, the put-“shithole”-in-the-hed club, and the ellipsis club with the headline “«Shithole»: Trump, bufera sull’ultimo insulto. «Basta immigrati da Paesi di m…»” (“‘Shithole’: Trump, storm over latest insult. ‘Enough with immigrants from Countries of sh…’”) But La Repubblica goes a different route, not quoting the English and not even hinting at a vulgar word in Italian. Instead, we get cesso di Paesicesso, which is related to English cess (as in pit or pool), is used for ‘toilet’ in Italian as Americans use john and Brits use bog, but it can also translate to ‘dump’ as a characterization of a place. Which makes it reasonably accurate – except, however, for the vulgarity, which is kinda important.

Tweeters have been helpful in extending this study around the world. Aaron Mc Nicholas let us know that in Taiwan, CNA translated it as 鳥不生蛋國家, which can be translated as ‘countries where birds don’t lay eggs’, which is an idiom meaning ‘godforsaken countries’; James Palmer pointed out that that’s the short form of the idiom, the longer form being 鳥不生蛋狗不拉屎, ‘birds don’t lay eggs and dogs don’t shit’ – and since the idiom is a familiar one, the readers can fill in the blanks.

Nick Kapur looked at the Japanese media and found Asahi rendering it as 便所のような国 ‘restroom-like countries’, Reuters making it 不潔な諸国 ‘unsanitary nations’, and Nikkei using 肥だめの国 ‘night soil storage pit countries’. Meanwhile, in Israel, we get מדינות מחורבנות ‘shitty countries’ from Haaretz and Ynet and חורי תחת ‘butt holes’ from Walla! This brings us back to the incessant focus on literal shit, which, honestly, I gotta say is not as central as all that. When you say shit a lot, most of that shit is not shit, it’s just, y’know, shit.

Some languages don’t need to do runaround translations or anal-retentive literality; they have quite suitable equivalent idiomatic terms. Poland’s Wyborcza, for example, uses zadupia (plural of zadupie), which Google Translate renders as ‘shithole’ exactly, while Wiktionary gives ‘Bumfuck’ and ‘middle of nowhere’, which I’d say are the closest English synonyms of shithole. Given that zadupie more literally means ‘up the ass’, I’d say ‘Bumfuck’ is a splendid English equivalent, and certainly close enough to ‘shithole’ for our purposes.

But no one can quite top the Croatians for this. It’s not that their best word translates exactly to shithole or Bumfuck nowhere. It almost does it better (although Google Translate does render it as ‘shithole’). It’s vukojebina, and it means ‘the place wolves fuck’ – or, if we were to make a real equivalent English place name, something like Wolffuckington or Wolf-fuck-ville. (Birds may not lay eggs there and dogs may not shit there, but the wolves? They get busy.) And Croatia’s Express features that word in its headline.

There are plenty of languages I haven’t touched on – come on, I’m only one person and my resources aren’t infinite (and it’s already sheepfuck o’clock). I’m hoping that you all can add some more in our comments – and add further insight on the languages I have covered.

Thanks to Ben Zimmer, John Kelly, Todd Snider, Stan Carey, and Nancy Friedman for their help in the research for this article.

21 thoughts on “Shitholes around the world

  1. Todd Snider January 13, 2018 / 7:05 am

    Walla! has “חורי תחת” (lit. butt holes) [] (- but don’t click on the link if you can avoid it, it’s all pop-ups and spam)

    Haaretz has “מדינות מחורבנות” (lit. shitty countries) []
    Ynet has the same [,7340,L-5070076,00.html]


    • Y January 14, 2018 / 3:15 am

      מחורבנות doesn’t have the impact of “shithole” or even “shitty”. I’d say it’s more like “crappy”


      • Todd Snider January 14, 2018 / 9:05 am

        What’s the difference (for you) between “shitty” and “crappy”?


      • Y January 14, 2018 / 8:56 pm

        To me, ‘crappy’ is milder and not as emotionally involved.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Y January 13, 2018 / 7:17 am

    In Murakami’s “A Wild Sheep Chase”, the English translation has the sentence “Do you really think this asshole of a terrain even deserves a name?” and a bit later “An asshole of a terrain for sure”. I wonder if the Japanese word of the original would fit well the shithole under discussion.

    It’s in chapter 29, “The Birth, Rise, and Fall of Junitaki Township”, if anyone can look it up.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. sundaryourfriend January 13, 2018 / 8:23 am

    Most newspapers in my part of India seem to have simply reported it as a “vulgar word” or a “racist comment”, but one outlet has translated it as ‘saakkadai naadugal’ (சாக்கடை நாடுகள்), which translates back to English as something like ‘gutter countries’ or ‘sewer countries’.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. John Cowan January 13, 2018 / 4:35 pm

    I think you’re wrong about shithole being about, y’know, shit. No, it’s about shit. Not that a shithole of a place is actually smeared with shit. But it’s just as disgusting as a well-trafficked outhouse that hasn’t been properly maintained. Which means putting quicklime down it every day and cleaning the fixtures with Pine-Sol. And I don’t mean weak-ass modern Pine-Sol, I mean Pine-Sol with motherfucking pine oil in it. I know whereof I speak, people.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Shava Nerad January 13, 2018 / 6:35 pm

    In Vermont when I was growing up in the 70s we called “vukojebina” “East Buttfuck” when we are being crude. So it does seem to be a broadly used idiom, in that rather transitive usage. My impression at the time was that it was military slang. I grew up in Montpelier, which is a dozen miles from Norwich University, our oldest private military academy.

    At the time, Central Vermont’s dialect, I’ve found, was peppered with old Anglo usages both from colonial days and imported from our wars, as well as military slang, French Canadian usage, Scottish and Irish American usages due to the quarry workers who were attracted to the quarries. It’s a fascinating dialect, and in Montpelier itself, in the 70s, our parents (Francophone and Anglophone) encouraged us to speak broadcast standard English at all times, while our inclination was to speak the local more “Pepperidge Farm” drawl, or the Quebecois accented French (a secret language we could use in front of most of our parents, even those Anglophone parents who had rusty continental French) as our ingroup register.

    I don’t think this is the case anymore among young Vermonters. The culture is far less isolated from outside culture. Radio and TV announcers are less “local” and voices of cable and the net are pervasive. Immigration has brought more “flatlanders” into the population. There were still more cattle than humans as I was growing up in a state of under 500K as a kid. Now southern Vermont is an extension of western Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire (which is an extension of Boston).

    You might have to go far north to find pockets of the old dialect — the Northeast Kingdom and Grand Isle. You know, “East Buttfuck, VT.” 😉 The real places, the places still unspoiled, pretty, with people with old values and traditions, who don’t think being poor is a shameful thing, but something that one lives with, with dignity.

    When Jesus said, “The poor will always be with us,” it wasn’t an excuse to give up. It was a charge to always embrace charity. That this is not a problem we can solve, but that we need to make part of our continuing duty, generation after generation. To take care of our own, and the great teachers of all religions of the great teachers (including Islam) say that all persons are our own.

    We had our own refugee crisis in 1865, when four million people were set free from slavery without assets or homes or marketable skills in a country that had millions of white soldiers returning home, north and south, looking for civilian jobs, and two economies (essentially) in shambles — one economy under active sanctions. We have not yet recovered in our social attitudes from that shock, or from the language and social institutions and rationalizations we created to struggle through that crisis.

    Now, we find people in our highest levels of government over 150 years later still reflecting the language of the propaganda war from fifteen decades ago. Language is central to this period in history and sadly underappreciated.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Homme-Nuage January 13, 2018 / 10:01 pm

    In French, “trou du cul du monde” (asshole of the world) refers to a place in the middle of nowhere. It bears a resemblance to “shithole countries”, but you can’t use it to carry Trump’s xenophobia.

    Still, translations that can be retro-translated as “shit countries” are very unsatisfying. You might call the USA a shit country if you hate them, but the superpower is hardly a shithole.

    That said, it allowed the former minister of culture Jack Lang to use the hashtag #trumppresidentdemerde (#trumpshitpresident).


  7. sesquiotic January 13, 2018 / 11:12 pm

    It’s interesting to see different native-English-speaker takes on the literal vividness and tonal intensity of shithole. I’m coming from Alberta originally, where it’s very insulting but not especially vivid, and I don’t think it’s much different in Toronto where I live now.

    I should say, in case it’s relevant, that in my childhood I did live at several different stretches of time in places where an outhouse was the only option for shitting, and I visited many others even when I lived where we had indoor plumbing. So I’ve shit in holes more times than I care to think about. Come to think of it, though, I don’t recall anyone ever calling where I lived a shithole… well, they might have said it sometime, but I never heard it.


  8. Sharbatanu January 14, 2018 / 2:32 pm

    I checked some newspapers in South Asia.

    The Anadabazar Patrika, a Bengali newspaper from Calcutta, India, has called many African nations ‘নোংরা’ which means dirty and added that ‘এই সূত্রেই তিনি একটি কদর্য শব্দ ব্যবহার করেন’, which translates to ‘at this point, he used a very ugly/nasty word.’

    Prothom Alo, a Bengali newspaper from Dhaka, Bangladesh has used the term “জঘন্য” (তাঁর ভাষায় ‘শিটহোল’). The word in double quotes is quite a strong word like ‘vile’ or heinous and the sentence in brackets transliterates shithole, literally (in his words, ‘shithole’)

    Jagran, a Hindi newspaper based in Kanpur, India, also transliterated ‘shithole’ and wrote that it was an ‘uncivilised comment’


  9. mim January 15, 2018 / 8:15 am

    Arabic newspaper used the word “الحثالة”, which means trash, the context become trash countries


  10. Murray Garde January 16, 2018 / 12:06 am

    In the Australian Aboriginal language Bininj Kunwok, there is a joking register where people frequently tease each other about many things including one’s clan country. A common epithet is “kabolkkordwern kunred ke” which is ka- ‘3sg’ bolk ‘place’ kord ‘shit’ wern ‘a lot of’ or roughly ‘your country has a lot of shit on it’.


  11. Gerhard B van Huyssteen January 22, 2018 / 5:34 am

    For the sake of completeness of your data, I have accessed the Afrikaans data behind the firewall you mentioned. There are three references to Trump’s remark, and in all three cases it is presented as:
    [where lande = countries].
    So, no translation is offered, and “shithole” is euphemised as “sh*thole”.


  12. Ivan Tarasov January 26, 2018 / 7:53 am

    Just checked Russian news coverage, there are several interesting variants that I have found:

    Variations on the “holes” part:
    – грязные дыры — translates to “dirty holes”, doesn’t strike me as a good translation in this context. “hole” in Russian also can mean not a literal “hole”, but a remote/godforsaken place, so that part works, but “dirty” isn’t exactly the right adjective to convey the original meaning.
    – вонючие дыры — translates to “smelly holes”, ditto;
    – страны-дыры — “countries-holes”. Very weak translation attempt, lost all the meaning.
    – сраные дыры — much better than all of the above: “сраные” is best translated as “fucking” (adj.), so the expression translates to “fucking holes” (not to be confused with the “holes where [some people] fuck”). In Russian, that adjective is a participle from “to shit” and is very vulgar, so the whole expression feels more vulgar than its English original.
    – зас&@ные дыры — a variation on the previous one, the only one that I found that had some letters censored. The non-censored version would be “засранные дыры”, something along the lines of “holes that were shitted all over”. Very vulgar, seems less precise than the previous one because there is a strong accent on shitting all over the holes.

    Other variations:
    – дерьмовые страны — “shitty countries”. Meh.
    – гадюшники — this is a very good translation, probably the best one here. there are several meanings of the word: 1) nest of vipers; 2. group of people (or place where they reside/work/etc.) between which dominates the feeling of mutual enmity, distrust, hatred; 3. second-rate cafe or canteen; 4. place where everything is untidy, unclean, or in disarray. That last meaning is the one that is quite close to the English “shit-hole” without being about shit or holes. It is also not vulgar, though very colloquial, not something one would expect in a formal speech.

    Now, there are actually some pretty good idiomatic Russian expressions for “shithole” (though some of these probably won’t quite fit the context):
    – Мухосранск — fictitious toponym that translates as “place where flies shit”, often used as a pejorative name for some provincial town.
    – деревня Гадюкино — fictitious toponym, literally “Viper village”.
    – ебеня — vulgar, constructed from a verb that means “to fuck”. “Shithole” is a close translation.

    Surprisingly (or maybe not), a research of Russian toponyms of XV-XVI centuries uncovered 67 (which apparently corresponded to 0.1% of all toponyms at the time) which were derived from obscene words. The details are available here:


  13. plokin January 31, 2018 / 7:13 am

    To give more context to Polish “zadupie” it’s worth mentioning that the word is constructed in a similar way as some geographic designation – e.g. Zamłynie would be a name of a village that’s “behind the mill” (“za”-behind, “młyn”-mill, “-ie” – a common suffix for village names), and similarly zadupie is a place behind the ass itself (“dupa” – ass) – a very concise equivalent of “further-than-ass-ville”.


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